8 Famous Military Animals of the 20th Century

8 Famous Military Animals of the 20th Century

Stephanie Schoppert - November 11, 2016

Chief Air Marshall Foo Foo

8 Famous Military Animals of the 20th Century

The King of Thailand, King Vajiralongkorn, is known for having a very lavish and somewhat strange lifestyle. As a prince perhaps the thing he was most known for around the world was his bizarre obsession with his poodle. Foo Foo was adopted by his daughter when it was just a young dog that was malnourished. When it came to the palace it was cared for and kept in the palace kennels until the then-crown prince took a liking to the poodle.

Foo Foo became the prized poodle of the prince and was more important to him that his three different wives and most people he knew. Foo Foo was given the rank of Air Chief Marshall which is the title reserved for the commander of the Royal Thai Air Force. This made the poodle one of the highest-ranking military officials in Thailand. However, the poodle had no real powers and was only brought out for show. The poodle was expected to show up for important dinners even if it was not trained to behave properly.

During one such party Foo Foo was dressed in stately attire but proceeded to jump on the tables and drink from the water glasses of the guests. No one dared to speak out against the actions of the poodle because in Thailand insulting a member of the Royal Family or a high-ranking military official (Foo Foo was considered both) could be punished with years in prison. The poodle also made headlines around the world when the Crown Prince’s wife, Princess Srirasmi was seen on video feeding cake to the poodle wearing nothing but a g-string.

In February 2015, the beloved dog died and was treated to a four-day Buddhist funeral. The dog was placed in a very elaborate coffin and placed upon an altar where mourners could pay their respects and leave offerings.
