Eight Famous Shipwrecks That Have Yet to Be Found

Eight Famous Shipwrecks That Have Yet to Be Found

Stephanie Schoppert - November 20, 2016

Eight Famous Shipwrecks That Have Yet to Be Found

Flor de la Mar

Flor de la Mar is considered to be one of the greatest treasures still lost at sea. The ship was used for the Portuguese India run and was the largest carrack built at the time at 400 tons. The ship made a few runs and each time was filled with struggles as the ship sprung leaks and was delayed for months for repairs. In 1506 the ship was stuck for ten months having to constantly be repaired until it was found in February of 1507 by the 8th India armada. The ship was then quickly made seaworthy by a large crew and then the Flor de la Mar and her captain were annexed into the armada. In 1510 the ship assisted in the conquest of Goa and in 1511 the conquest of Malacca.

Despite being wrought with problems the ship lasted longer than most ships that India built which typically only offered three to four years of service. It was however, dangerously unseaworthy when it was fully loaded which was largely the reason why it was only able to complete one India run. Despite knowing this Afonso de Albuquerque, a Portuguese general and governor of Portuguese India, wanted to show King Manuel I the treasures that India offered. So, the Flor de la Mar was used for a return voyage to Portugal in 1511 and was laden down with a hull full of treasures. On the 20th of November 1511, the ship was caught in a storm in the Strait of Malacca. It sank and many of the crew and all her treasures were lost.

Afonso de Albuquerque managed to survive by using a makeshift raft and was able to tell of the ship’s demise and the treasures lost. The ship was said to be carrying 200 coffers of precious stones which diamonds ranging in size from half inch to the size of a man’s fist. There have been numerous attempts and disputes over trying to recover the ship. Robert Marx, an American treasure hunter, has spent $20 million trying to find and recover the wealth lost in the wreck. Many historians credit the treasure of the Flor de la Mar to be the most elaborate treasure ever lost at sea.
