Einstein’s Written Demands and 18 Other Interesting Lists Made by Historical Figures

Einstein’s Written Demands and 18 Other Interesting Lists Made by Historical Figures

Trista - December 8, 2018

Einstein’s Written Demands and 18 Other Interesting Lists Made by Historical Figures
A portrait of Galileo by Justus Sustermans in 1636. Wikimedia.

3. Galileo’s Shopping List, Part 1

If there were ever a famous figure from whom I’d never have expected to see a mundane shopping list, medieval astronomer Galileo Galilei would be pretty high up the list. One doesn’t picture the father of physics and astronomy sitting back and pondering what he needed at the market. Surely he would have had servants or assistants to do his shopping. If not, it’s even more impressive that he accomplished as much as he did while taking care of himself!

This list, while mostly mundane, is written on the back of a letter, dated 1609, does contain elements needed for improvements to his invention of the telescope. While he debuted his first telescope, based merely on descriptions of Hans Lippershey’s prototype, in 1609, it wasn’t until 1610 that he improved the model to the point that he was able to announce the discovery of Jupiter’s moons through the lens.

The most noteworthy items on the list, as it pertains to the telescope, are polished German lenses, polished rock crystal, pieces of mirror, and small iron tuning chisels which he specified needed to be made in the Calle delle Acque, which must have been where his preferred blacksmith in Florence resided.
