Emerging from the Darkness: 9 Creation Myths from Different Cultures

Emerging from the Darkness: 9 Creation Myths from Different Cultures

Stephanie Schoppert - April 11, 2017

Emerging from the Darkness: 9 Creation Myths from Different Cultures

Scientology Creation Myth

Scientology is a relatively modern religion that has a very in-depth creation myth that continues to affect how the followers of the Church of Scientology live their lives. In the beginning, there was a decision and the decision was to be. This brought the Theta, the life energy that creates everything, into being. The theta and other being grew bored with nothing to look at and extended their viewpoints. Together these beings created the Theta Universe and then the MEST (Matter, Energy, Space and Time) Universe where people now live.

One day the committee started calling people before it and banishing them to the MEST universe with no explanation. The thetans that were banished grew bored and began creating life on planets. Then the thetans would create bodies on these planets make them go to war against the bodies created by other thetans. When the thetans grew frustrated losing they taught the bodies how to capture other thetans, never realizing they were teaching the bodies how to capture themselves. In some cases the meat bodies rebelled and trapped the thetans.

Once defeated the thetans assumed the identity of the bodies they created be it robot, doll, insect or meat bodies. Meat bodies were preferred because they had the ability to feel pleasure, the doll bodies had the appearance of “little green men.” At the same time a society developed in the Milky Way Galaxy. Invader forces realized one of the planets in the galaxy had a mineral they needed so they destroyed the planet and created the asteroid belt. Then they made a trading outpost on Mars.

It was after this that Xenu would call forth all the artists and criminals of his society for tax assessments, freeze them and send them to Earth. He then put all the frozen bodies in a volcano and detonated them with nukes. He also put a screen around the Solar System to prevent people from leaving and from outside forces getting in. He then wiped the memories of all the people of Earth and filled them with other religions.
