Eternal Soldiers: 8 World War II Ghost Stories

Eternal Soldiers: 8 World War II Ghost Stories

Stephanie Schoppert - September 7, 2017

Eternal Soldiers: 8 World War II Ghost Stories

A Dakota Douglas plane like the one being spotted at Dark Peak.

WWII Ghost Planes

Ghost planes are among the most pervasive ghost stories to come out of World War II. As it was a war that filled the sky with planes and showed how bigger and better planes were revolutionizing modern warfare, it is not too surprising that people would continue to report seeing and hearing planes in the sky long after the war. But there are some stories that defy explanation even when there is evidence to prove the stories real. Many ghost plane stories are told about the area of Dark Peak which is known for being the location of more than 50 plane crashes over the years.

One such ghost plane was spotted over England. It was not a freak apparition or something brought on by the post-traumatic stress of the war. Rather it happened in 2015 when a WWII plane was seen flying over Dark Peak in northern Derbyshire. The area is known for ghosts and aircraft sightings and that is part of what gives the area its name. In 2015 WW2 bomber plane was seen flying over the area by serval witnesses. The plane was identified by former RAF pilots who were well versed with the look of WII planes.

One RAF member identified the plane as a Lancaster the four-engine heavy bomber used by the RAF during the war. Another pilot disagreed and thought it was a Liberator, a smaller four-engine bomber that was used by the Americans. Another witness agreed that it was too small to be a Lancaster, but added that it had an antenna and was camouflaged. The plane never landed and there was no record of any scheduled flights of historical aircraft. It is also of note that the plane was silent as it flew, which is very different from the deafening roar of a Lancaster or a Liberator.

The bomber was not the only ghost plane to be seen in the area. In 2017, more reports of ghost plane sightings surfaced. This time several people reported seeing a Douglas Dakota. It was a plane flown by the RAF during WWII and there are no more in operation. One witness reported that something looked wrong with the plane and it seemed to be flying straight toward them. The witness said that the plane turned sideways and then vanished without a trace. Historical records did confirm that a Douglas Dakota crashed in the area of the sightings in the 1940s.
