Eternal Soldiers: 8 World War II Ghost Stories

Eternal Soldiers: 8 World War II Ghost Stories

Stephanie Schoppert - September 7, 2017

Eternal Soldiers: 8 World War II Ghost Stories

Clark Air Base Hospital, Philippines.

Clark Hospital, Philippines

Clark Hospital in the Philippines has been the sight of so many hauntings that it is widely considered to be one of the most haunted places in the world. NatGeo TV featured the location as part of their “I Wouldn’t Go In There” series because of all the stories and the history attached to the place. The hospital was part of the American Air Force Base in Pampanga. From 1903 until 1991 it was under the control of the U.S. Air Force and while much of the area is now the Clark International Airport, the Air Force hospital that was part of the base sits abandoned.

During World War II the base was expected to be a stronghold in an upcoming war against Imperial Japan. The U.S. Army sent large numbers of planes to the base in order to strike against Japan, but most of those planes were destroyed in an attack that occurred just nine hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The base fell to the Japanese in 1942 and American POWs were forced to march past the once welcoming gates of the base as part of the Bataan Death March. It was reclaimed in 1945 and served to care for American soldiers before they were sent home. It became a base of operations during the Cold War and the Vietnam War as well.

The hospital itself was reported to also be used as an asylum for American soldiers and that adds to the history of the restless spirits. Those who walk the decrepit halls of the old hospital today report the lights turning on and off. There are also reports of voices and screams echoing through the darkened halls where soldiers took their last breaths or suffered under Japanese occupation. But it is not just voices and lights that have many putting Clark Hospital as one of the most haunted places in the world.

After Americans left the base it was looted and vandalized by the locals which only adds to the spooky feel of the location. Even worse are the reports that the spirits at the hospital are far from friendly. People brave enough to walk through the doors report debris being thrown at them from seemingly nowhere. There are angry shouts and violent screams that warn any unwelcome guests from exploring the hospital and her ghostly inhabitants. With so many reports of ghostly sightings, sounds and even violent attacks, few places are as terrifying as Clark Hospital.
