Eternal Soldiers: 8 World War II Ghost Stories

Eternal Soldiers: 8 World War II Ghost Stories

Stephanie Schoppert - September 7, 2017

Eternal Soldiers: 8 World War II Ghost Stories

Changi Beach as it looks today.

Changi Beach, Singapore

Changi Beach and its nearby hospital are considered to be among the most terrifying places in all of Singapore. In fact, the Changi Hospital provided the inspiration for Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Singapore in 2016. The hospital was a focal point of a local film called Haunted Changi. The pop culture that surrounds the hospital is a direct result of the history and the ghost sightings that accompany the location. Changi Beach was the location of the Sook Ching massacre where many Chinese were brutally murdered during the Japanese occupation.

Those who are brave enough to walk along the beach where thousands were tortured and murdered can find ghostly evidence of those atrocities. Among the common reports are the sounds of screams and people crying. There are sounds of fear and desperation as ghosts relive the fear of watching those they loved to be murdered either on the grainy sand or shot to death by machine guns after being forced into the water. But the sounds of the beach are among the tamer hauntings that the location had become known for.

Others have reported seeing floating heads flying over the sand or headless bodies trudging along the shore. Beheadings were a popular form of execution and many who lost their lives on the beach did so by losing their head. Other accounts tell of large holes dug into the sand in the same shape and depth as one would expect for a mass grave. The tortured souls continue to leave their mark on the beach and throughout the neighboring area.

The Changi Hospital nearby was used as a wartime hospital and has its own dark history. Many soldiers lost their lives at the hospital and have been said to walk the halls ever since. There are also reports of black magic rituals having been performed at the hospital as occultists tried to use the hospital’s souls in order to convene with the devil.
