Eternal Soldiers: 8 World War II Ghost Stories

Eternal Soldiers: 8 World War II Ghost Stories

Stephanie Schoppert - September 7, 2017

Eternal Soldiers: 8 World War II Ghost Stories

Operating theater at the abandoned and haunted Nazi medical center.

Polish Nazi Hospital

Built in Legnica in the 1930s by the Nazis this Polish medical complex was in use by the Nazis until 1937. After the Nazis lost control it went into Soviet hands and the Russians were happy to put the high-tech facilities to good use. It was known to attract the Soviet elite who were glad to have state-of-the-art medical care available, even President Leonard Brezhnev‘s wife made use of the medical complex.

Even today the building has good bones and could be very useful, but it has sat abandoned since 1993. It was not for lack of interest that the building fell into disrepair. A group of locals tried to get investors interested in the building and held a public tour and meeting for the property. Things took a bad turn when a sheet of glass broke underneath a man and he fell 33 feet to his death. The hospital has since been left alone with the exception of the guards and dogs that continue to keep people from the premises.

The reason for the fear is well-founded as there have been many reports of hauntings at the hospital and malevolent spirits. It was rumored that the Nazis used the state of the art facilities to perform many of their inhuman experiments. There are many who believe that those who died at the hospital, especially from the rumored experiments still haunt the expansive building. The bodies of those who died at the hospital are still somewhere on the grounds.

There is a large network of tunnels under the hospital leading some to think that the hospital was just a front and the Nazis used the location as a means to move agents around the region. When the Soviets abandoned the building in 1993, they left most of the medical equipment and files behind, some of them have been looted but most of it remains. Few will dare to brave the ghosts or the guards at the site.
