Facts About Ancient Egypt They Didn’t Teach In School

Facts About Ancient Egypt They Didn’t Teach In School

Khalid Elhassan - October 29, 2023

Facts About Ancient Egypt They Didn’t Teach In School
Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra. K-Pics

Cleopatra is Closer to Us than She Was to When the Great Pyramids Were Built

As seen above, the civilization of ancient Egypt is so old, that woolly mammoths were still around when the Great Pyramids were built. It also lasted for a seriously long time, from before when the Great Pyramids were built, to the annexation of Egypt by the Romans, circa 30 BC. To put into perspective just how long that was, consider this: we are closer in time to one of Ancient Egypt’s most famous queens, Cleopatra, than she was to the Great Pyramids.

Facts About Ancient Egypt They Didn’t Teach In School
The Great Pyramids of Giza, as they would have looked when newly built. Quora

Fewer years separate us from Cleopatra (69 – 30 BC), than separate Cleopatra from the Pyramids. Cleopatra famously committed suicide in 30 BC, or 2053 years ago at the time of this writing in 2023. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built around 2580 BC, about 2510 years before Cleopatra was born. So in 2023 Cleopatra is roughly 457 years closer to us than she was to the construction of the Great Pyramid. And the Great Pyramid was not built at the start of the ancient Egyptian civilization, but more than five centuries after it began, sometime around 3150 BC.
