Facts About How The Aztec Culture Handled Their Desires

Facts About How The Aztec Culture Handled Their Desires

Trista - October 22, 2018

Facts About How The Aztec Culture Handled Their Desires
An Aztec depiction of childbirth. Wikimedia.

12. Concubines Were Forced To Be Celibate After Giving Birth

While the Aztecs focused on the importance of having sex during pregnancy, they believed it was imperative not to have sex after the delivery. In fact, celibacy was required of the concubines of noblemen after birth. It appears they were expected to remain celibate from their lord for years after the birth of their children. Given that the relationship between many concubines and their lords was likely not consensual, perhaps this was a blessing in disguise for the concubines.

The children of concubines were not afforded the same status as those born by the “true” wives of high-ranking men, but they were still provided a much higher rank than the children of ordinary men and women. This pattern has been mirrored through many cultures including the Mongol empire, where Genghis Khan’s real wife was the only woman whose heirs were recognized.

There are some notable exceptions to the general rule of the children of concubine being of lesser status. Emperor Itzcoatl was the son of the very first Aztec Emperor Acamapichtli. Interestingly, Itzcoatl was not born to the faithful wife of Acamapichtli, but rather a peasant who served as a concubine. It is reported that Itzcoatl’s mother sold vegetables at a market and was of meager status.
