Facts About How The Aztec Culture Handled Their Desires

Facts About How The Aztec Culture Handled Their Desires

Trista - October 22, 2018

Facts About How The Aztec Culture Handled Their Desires
An Aztec illustration of a woman. Wikimedia.

10. Adultery Was Punishable By Death — Especially For Women

As with countless cultures throughout the ages, including our own, male sexuality is far less regulated, legislated and shamed than female sexuality. This notion held true for the Aztec Empire as well. Men, or at least those of high status, were afforded the opportunity for multiple wives, while poor men and women would have suffered legal consequences for doing so. The appearance of Aztec women was also highly regulated, with only the ritual prostitutes being allowed to wear their hair down, paint their faces and wear jewelry.

An aspect of Aztec culture that bore enormous ramifications for women was the role of punishment for infidelity. While high-ranking men were allowed to take multiple wives and low-status men were generally acknowledged to have affairs, women would have been forced to pay an incredible price for any marital infidelity. While low-ranking men may have been beaten, had their heads shaved, or other corporal punishment the punishment for women was death.

Both men and women of all classes were expected to be virgins upon marriage, but as with other cultures, only women were traditionally examined to have their virginity verified. The hymen as proof of celibacy was a standard used in Aztec culture alongside numerous European cultures. Women disproportionately suffered punishment for lack of chastity due to the lack of being able to prove that men had engaged in premarital sex.
