Facts About The Sons of Liberty, The Secret Revolutionary Organization

Facts About The Sons of Liberty, The Secret Revolutionary Organization

Trista - February 19, 2020

Facts About The Sons of Liberty, The Secret Revolutionary Organization
Illustration of a mock funeral for the Stamp Act. Library of Congress.

30. The Main Event The Led To The Formation Of The Sons Of Liberty Was The Stamp Act

A few minor events happened that the first few members of the sons of liberty took part in before the Stamp Act in 1765, but the organization’s first main event was the act. The Stamp Act enraged many colonists, which helped expand the group’s membership. In fact, people continued to secure their sons of liberty membership every hour.

In August of 1765, most of the members lived around the Boston, Massachusetts area. By November of that year, members lived as far as New York City. In March of 1766. the colonies of New Jersey, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Virginia, and Maryland also had members.
