Facts About The Sons of Liberty, The Secret Revolutionary Organization

Facts About The Sons of Liberty, The Secret Revolutionary Organization

Trista - February 19, 2020

Facts About The Sons of Liberty, The Secret Revolutionary Organization
Collage showing several members of the Sons of Liberty. Wikimedia.

28. Several Members Of The Sons Of Liberty Are Also Well-Known American Revolutionists

One myth of the Sons of Liberty is that all of the members were also Founding Fathers. While some members became Founding Fathers, such as John Hancock, most members didn’t have a significant part in politics at the time. However, several members are well-known historical figures.

Samuel Adams, Benedict Arnold, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, and Paul Revere were all members of the Sons of Liberty. Members that are not as well-known, but signers of the Declaration of Independence include William Paca, William Ellery, Samuel Chase, and William Williams.
