Final Meals, Feasts, and Words from History’s Notorious and Victorious

Final Meals, Feasts, and Words from History’s Notorious and Victorious

Khalid Elhassan - August 12, 2021

Final Meals, Feasts, and Words from History’s Notorious and Victorious
A medieval manuscript’s depiction of Al Saffah’s proclamation as Caliph. Wikimedia

4. The Well-Named Spiller of Blood Was the First to Feast Atop the Bodies of Defeated Enemies

As seen above, the Mongols had feasted over the still-living bodies of defeated Rus and Cuman commanders after the Battle of Kalka River in 1223. However, that was not the first time that vanquished leaders had faced such a fate. Such a ghoulish mode of celebration seems to have been pioneered by the first Abbasid Caliph Abul Abbas (722 – 754). Nicknamed Al Saffah (“Spiller of Blood” – a well-earned nickname), he feasted atop the bodies of his foes after he defeated and displaced the Ummayad Dynasty as Caliphs.

Al Saffah had initiated a revolt against the Ummayads and crushed them in a climactic battle in 750. He then tracked down and killed as many members of the defeated dynasty as he could get his hands on. In 751, Al Saffah declared an amnesty, and 80 surviving Ummayad princes emerged from hiding to receive their pardons at a banquet. It turned out to be their final meal. Al Saffah had them seized, stabbed, covered their quivering bodies with leather rugs, then sat down and bade other guests join him in a feast as the dying Ummayads writhed beneath them.
