German Sabotage and Espionage in the United States During WWII

German Sabotage and Espionage in the United States During WWII

Larry Holzwarth - December 14, 2019

German Sabotage and Espionage in the United States During WWII
FDR ordered the death sentence be carried out for six of the saboteurs. Wikimedia

17. The sentences were carried out in August, 1942 in Washington

The tribunal officially ended when Roosevelt responded to the findings and recommendations of the tribunal on August 7. Roosevelt did not publicly issue a statement for clemency for Dasch and Burger, and they were identified as merely having been cooperative witnesses. In fact, all of the Germans had sung like the proverbial canary. On August 8, 1942, less than two months after landing on American shores, the six men sentenced to death were electrocuted in the District of Columbia Jail in Washington DC. They were marched to the electric chair one by one, with each execution taking about fifteen minutes.

Dasch continued to claim that Hoover had guaranteed him immunity in exchange for his voluntarily revealing the entire plot, which Hoover continued to deny. In 1948 President Truman commuted the sentences of Dasch and Burger, with the proviso that they be deported to occupied Germany, in the American zone. Neither man wanted to return to Germany, and the Germans did not welcome them. Dasch changed identities and relocated several times. Both men were denounced as traitors. Dasch petitioned to be allowed to return to the United States several times, always blocked by Hoover.
