German Sabotage and Espionage in the United States During WWII

German Sabotage and Espionage in the United States During WWII

Larry Holzwarth - December 14, 2019

German Sabotage and Espionage in the United States During WWII
Coast Guardsmen John Cullen encountered the Germans on Long Island. US Coast Guard

7. The northern team was detected upon landing on Long Island

The journey from U-202 to the beach was a wet one. Dasch later claimed they were nearly drowned. They went ashore, cursing in English and German, dragging their gear from the raft. They quickly shed their sodden uniforms, and Dasch was standing on one of the dunes when he noticed someone, not of the party watching him closely. Dasch grabbed the man by the collar, demanded that he remember his face in a threatening manner, forced $260 dollars on him and told him to forget what he saw.

The man was a Coast Guard sentry, John Cullen. Cullen returned to his station, reported the four men he had seen on the beach and what had transpired. His superiors waited until daylight before returning to the site. There they found evidence of digging in the wet sand, and upon investigation, they turned up crates of explosives and German uniforms. The FBI in Washington was notified of the discovery and that a party of four men had been seen. There was no sign of the whereabouts of the four men, and Cullen was the only one capable of recognizing any of them. By then the men were a hundred miles from Amagansett.
