Grab the Tissue Box, Because these Historical Letters are Heartbreaking

Grab the Tissue Box, Because these Historical Letters are Heartbreaking

Shannon Quinn - October 31, 2022

Grab the Tissue Box, Because these Historical Letters are Heartbreaking
Troops on D-Day. The Star


The Elliot WWII Love Letters (Part 2)

“May 28, 1944


Here it is Sunday again. I think this is the most lonely time of the whole week for me. I am so darn lonesome for you, Frank darling. Oh I’m not the only one and I know it — there are millions just like me, wishing with all the strength of their hearts and minds for the return of peace and loved ones. — Dee is sleeping on this Sunday night, and the radio is playing old and beautiful music — and I am thinking of the Sunday nights to come when you will be listening to such music with me. — Took Dad to a ball game today — Dee went along — maybe she’ll learn to like baseball as well as her Daddy does — I’ll bet that she will.

I adore you,

