Hitler’s Great Escape: Conspiracy Crackpot Theory or Complex Cover Up?

Hitler’s Great Escape: Conspiracy Crackpot Theory or Complex Cover Up?

Patrick Lynch - February 15, 2017

Hitler’s Great Escape: Conspiracy Crackpot Theory or Complex Cover Up?
Hitler and Eva Braun. Wikipedia

The Fifth Exit

According to Tim Kennedy, a former U.S. Special Forces Agent, and Bob Baer, an ex-CIA operative, there could be some truth in the tale of Hitler’s escape. They sifted through 14,000 declassified documents and found an account from British Intelligence which says that Hitler was flown out of Berlin the day before he supposedly committed suicide. The documents reveal evidence of a previously undiscovered fifth exit from the bunker which was big enough for a runway.

Another theory suggests the corpses of Hitler and Braun were murdered body doubles. The bodies were quickly burned, and author Gerald Williams says we are still being lied to about the death of the dictator. The official report is based on third-party accounts and acknowledges that the deaths of the duo were confirmed as conclusively as possible without the actual bodies. Williams co-wrote a book called ‘Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler’ with Simon Dunstan. The text also suggests that Hitler fled to South America. Modern historians such as Guy Walters dismissed the book as complete nonsense, and most serious academics and researchers believe the Nazi leader died in Berlin.

Hitler’s Great Escape: Conspiracy Crackpot Theory or Complex Cover Up?

The Skull Fragment

The official story says that Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself in the head, and Eva Braun swallowed a cyanide pill on April 30, 1945. The bodies were burned and buried in a nearby shallow grave. A piece of lower jaw bone is the only official remains of Hitler, and is supposedly kept in the Kremlin.

A forensics team from Russia dug up what appeared to be the remains of Hitler in May 1945. A piece of the skull was missing as a result of a gunshot to the head. The piece of the jaw that remained matched his dental records and there was only one testicle. The remains were apparently secreted to Magdeburg in East Germany and stayed there until 1970 when the KGB dug up the corpse, cremated it, and tossed the ashes in a river.

In 2009, an archaeologist at the University of Connecticut tested the skull fragment and concluded that it belonged to a woman under the age of 40; this could mean the skull belongs to Eva Braun, who was 33 when she died. Hugo Blaschke was Hitler’s dentist and confirmed the dental remains belonged to Hitler and Braun. Conspiracy theorists are still not satisfied. Bob Baer wants the Russians to release the jaw fragment for testing to solve the mystery. To date, this request hasn’t been granted and probably never will be.

As much as some people want to believe that Hitler escaped the bunker and made a new life in South America, there is no real, hard evidence. Practically all of these claims are backed up by nothing more than hearsay and second, third, or even fourth-hand accounts. Fortunately, in this case, it seems certain that Hitler did meet his end in Berlin on April 30, 1945.
