Here are Some of the Most Adventurous People that Ever Existed

Here are Some of the Most Adventurous People that Ever Existed

Khalid Elhassan - April 24, 2021

Here are Some of the Most Adventurous People that Ever Existed
Antoine Lasalle. Painting and Frame

15. The Adventurous French Cavalryman Who Tricked a Prussian Fortress Into Surrender

In 1806, Napoleon Bonaparte dealt Prussia a crushing defeat at the twin battles of Jena-Auerstedt. He then ordered a vigorous pursuit of the retreating Prussians and the rounding up of their garrisons. A key worry was that Prussian remnants would link up with and reinforce their Russian allies, who were still under arms and contesting the issue. The once-proud Prussian army, less than two decades removed from its glory days under Frederick the Great, was demoralized. It was against that backdrop that a French cavalry brigade approached the port city of Stettin.

Here are Some of the Most Adventurous People that Ever Existed
Antoine Lasalle. Wikimedia

The French were led by an adventurous general named Antoine Lasalle (1775 – 1809). His forces consisted of about 500 hussars and a pair of light field guns. Stettin was a well-fortified port city with a garrison of nearly 10,000 men, protected by 281 cannons. In charge was Prussian General Friedrich von Romberg, a veteran with over 50 years’ experience. Romberg’s career stretched back to the Seven Years’ War, during which he had fought under Frederick the Great. Stettin was well-provisioned by the British Royal Navy, whose supply-laden ships sailed in and out of the port with no hindrance. So Lasalle set out to bluff the garrison into surrendering to his small force.
