Here are Some of the Most Adventurous People that Ever Existed

Here are Some of the Most Adventurous People that Ever Existed

Khalid Elhassan - April 24, 2021

Here are Some of the Most Adventurous People that Ever Existed
Route of Phanes’ adventurous escape, and of his return with a Persian army. Wikimedia

4. An Adventurous Escape, and Vicious Retaliation

Pharaoh Amasis sent assassins to kill or capture Phanes before he reached Persia’s King Cambyses. However, after an adventurous flight that included an escape from captivity by getting his guards drunk, Phanes reached the Persians. Cambyses was trying to figure out the best invasion route into Egypt. Phanes recommended a route through Arab tribal lands. He advised the Persian king to seek safe passage from their rulers and to sweeten the request with generous gifts. Cambyses heeded Phanes’ advice, and the Arabs gladly granted him and his armies safe conduct through their territory.

Here are Some of the Most Adventurous People that Ever Existed
Cambyses II capturing Pharaoh Psamtik III. Wikimedia

By then, Amasis had died. He was succeeded as pharaoh by his son, Psamtik III. Enraged at Phanes, Psamtik tricked the Greek general’s sons into meeting with him, took them captive, and had them executed. He then had their blood drained and mixed with wine, which he quaffed down and made his subordinates drink as well. Phanes got his revenge by leading the Persian army into Egypt, acting as Cambyses’ guide and military advisor. The Persians defeated Psamtik, and forced him to retreat to his capital, where they besieged and eventually captured him. Phanes then engineered the execution of his sons’ murderer by uncovering and informing Cambyses of a plot by the captive pharaoh to stir up a revolt.
