7. Queen Victoria Wanted Copious Amounts of Charcoal and Jewelry
Is Queen Victoria starting to resemble an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, with her preoccupation with the afterlife and occultic beliefs that, in some ways, mimic the religion of ancient Egypt? That connection is about to become a lot more visible, considering the amount of jewelry that she wanted to be buried with her.
The ancient Egyptian pharaohs were not only mummified but also buried with items from their earthly lives that they wanted to take with them to the afterlife. That’s why you often hear stories about the treasures found in the burial chambers or of grave robbers who cleared out all of the gold, jewelry, and other riches.
Queen Victoria may or may not have drawn her inspiration from the ancient Egyptians, but she did insist on being buried with many items from her earthly life that she may have hoped would go with her to the next life. In burial, she wore rings on every single finger along with numerous bracelets, brooches, necklaces, and sentimental mementos from her loved ones on earth. Each piece of jewelry that Queen Victoria wore carried a special significance to her. Of course, she also wore her white bridal veil and clutched the plaster cast of Prince Albert’s hand.