Heroes from History People Really Don’t Appreciate Enough

Heroes from History People Really Don’t Appreciate Enough

Khalid Elhassan - November 10, 2020

Heroes from History People Really Don’t Appreciate Enough
Japanese soldiers taunting Chinese prisoners before their execution. Medium

22. This Hero Was Cornered and Captured More Than Once, But Escaped Each Time

Bill Chong’s work behind enemy lines was not just physically exhausting: it was mentally exhausting as well. On one occasion, our hero and a guide were discovered hiding from a Japanese patrol. Their captors beat them bloody, then forced them to dig their own graves, and asked whether they would rather be shot or beheaded. Chong figured the jig was finally up, and asked to be shot. However, the duo were spared at the last minute when the guide showed the Japanese the personal card of a retired Japanese intelligence officer, and convinced them that he was one of his agents.

On another occasion, Chong was swept up in a random Japanese roundup, and locked up with others in the hold of a rickety fishing boat, that was then set adrift on the ocean. He survived when somebody discovered a rotten plank, kicked it out, crawled through the hole, then opened the hatch from the outside and released the rest of the prisoners. Another close brush came when he was held by collaborationist Chinese bandits, but he convinced them to let him go in exchange for medicine for their ailing leader.
