Heroes from History People Really Don’t Appreciate Enough

Heroes from History People Really Don’t Appreciate Enough

Khalid Elhassan - November 10, 2020

Heroes from History People Really Don’t Appreciate Enough
Sybil Ludington statue. Cerkl

18. Sybil Ludington Rode Twice as Far as Paul Revere, but is Not Half as Well-Known

Sybil Ludington volunteered (or was ordered by her father – accounts differ) to deliver the order for an immediate militia muster, and to rouse the countryside. The sixteen-year-old girl rode her horse, Star, throughout a rainy night on a 40-mile careen around the region. She traveled over unfamiliar roads, prodding the horse with a stick that she also used to knock on doors, and that came in handy to defend herself when a highwayman tried to attack her in the dark.

By the time Sybil returned home, exhausted and soaked to the bone, most of the region’s 400 militia were ready to march to Danbury. They managed to beat governor Tryon and his men, forcing the British to retreat. Sybil was praised by her neighbors, and even by George Washington. Unfortunately for her, no world-class poet took an interest in her exploits that night – or perhaps none could find anything good to rhyme with “Ludington”. Either way, Sybil never garnered as much attention as Paul Revere, and her heroics were largely forgotten.
