Heroes from History People Really Don’t Appreciate Enough

Heroes from History People Really Don’t Appreciate Enough

Khalid Elhassan - November 10, 2020

Heroes from History People Really Don’t Appreciate Enough
WWII jump wings. War Relics

15. To Get His Jump Wings, William Colby Volunteered for an Experimental Airborne Artillery Unit

William Colby’s military career began in Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where he trained to become an artillery officer. He then volunteered to join an experimental airborne artillery unit. The concept of airborne artillery seemed ridiculous to Colby, but he figured that the training would qualify him as a parachutist and earn him the coveted jump wings, which were all the rage for the adventurous back then.

He got the parachute training, as well as training in demolitions and small arms. While our hero was learning how to jump out of airplanes and blow stuff up, a new organization that had a keen interest in people with interests and qualifications like Colby’s, came into being: the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).
