An Old Queen’s Wartime Contributions as a Young Princess
Queen Elizabeth II was old for as long as most of us remember. She was young, once upon a time. Elizabeth was thirteen-years-old when World War II began. Like many British children, the then-princess was evacuated to the countryside to avoid the risk of German aerial attacks. To be sure, she was not just like any other child: she was evacuated to a palace. Still, she was separated from her family and loved ones, and felt it keenly. In 1940, she spoke about that in her first public address on BBC’s Children’s Hour, as part of an effort to boost morale. She involved herself in other public service activities as the war progressed, until she ended up in the military. Britain was not self-sufficient in foodstuff and other raw materials, and had long relied on imports to feed her population and supply her industries.
Enemy action reduced British supplies. Between that and the military’s needs, there were shortages, and many food items were rationed. To supplement rations, the authorities encouraged people to grow as much food as possible in their gardens and any other small plots of land suitable for agriculture. Even the royal family was subject to rationing. Princess Elizabeth avidly participated in what came to be known as the “Dig for Victory” drive. In 1943, she was photographed as she tended her allotted plot of land at Windsor Castle. As a royal, and heiress to the British throne, the princess was designated honorary colonel of the Grenadier Guards regiment. At age sixteen, she performed her first military inspection at a Windsor Castle parade. She was not content to simply inspect troops.