Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage

Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage

Khalid Elhassan - July 11, 2020

Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage
The Inland Customs Line, incorporating the Great Hedge of India. Wikimedia

28. The Great Hedge of India

Known as “The Great Hedge of India”, the customs barrier was supposed to stretch for 2500 miles, 14 feet wide, 12 feet high, and bristling with thorns. By 1878, the Great Hedge stretched for 1100 miles, but the idea hit a snag when the thorn bushes refused to grow properly: most of the hedge ended up consisting of dead branches. Still, the British persisted with their idea, and eventually grew 500 miles of proper hedge, that was patrolled by 12,000 customs officers. That army of officials had to contend with brush fires, storms, parasitic vines, and pests.

The barrier did little to stop smugglers, who easily circumvented the Hedge by hacking a way through it, or by simply tossing bags of salt over the barrier to accomplices on the other side. The Great Hedge was abandoned in 1879, when the authorities decided to simply impose and collect the salt tax at the point of manufacture, then have the manufacturers pass it on to buyers.
