Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage

Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage

Khalid Elhassan - July 11, 2020

Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage
Protesters marching against Prohibition. Popular Mechanics

14. An Explosion of Criminality

Just like drugs today, the profits from illegal alcohol during Prohibition were astronomical. Overnight, the idea of getting into bootlegging became irresistible to criminals across America. Their task was made easier by much of the public, as well as many cops and politicians, who did not see the sale or consumption of alcohol as particularly venal or morally blameworthy.

Illegal alcohol’s profits enabled organized crime to increase its other illicit activities, such as racketeering, prostitution, drugs, gun-running, and more. The profits also enabled organized crime to lavishly bribe politicians, officials, cops, and judges, and corrupt America’s political and criminal justice systems to failed state levels.

Read More: 10 Most Corrupt Political Machines in American History.
