Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage

Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage

Khalid Elhassan - July 11, 2020

Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage
Backyard furnaces during The Great Leap Forward. Missed in History

7. Backyard Furnaces Backfire

Mao Zedong wanted to increase steel production – a benchmark of industrialization – without waiting for the development of infrastructures such as steel plants, or the training of a skilled workforce. Instead, his regime came up with the idea of getting people to use blast furnaces behind their communes – literal backyard furnaces. People used whatever fuel they could get their hands on to power the furnaces, from coal to wooden furniture to the wood of coffins. When they lacked iron ore, they melted whatever steel objects they could find to produce steel girders.

As it turned out, making steel is complicated, and the girders produced were of low quality and cracked easily. What came out of the backyard furnaces was actually not even steel, but pig iron, which had to first get its carbon removed before it could get turned into steel. In some regions, where there was little metalworking tradition or understanding of metallurgy, even the pig iron produced was too useless to get turned into steel.
