Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage

Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage

Khalid Elhassan - July 11, 2020

Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage
Chinese villagers welcome the arrival of tractors purchased by a farmers’ cooperative in April 1958, during the Great Leap Forward campaign. The disastrous modernization program ended in China’s great famine and tens of millions of deaths. NPR

5. Collectivization Catastrophe

As a result of mismanagement and wishful thinking, collectivization ended up being led by enthusiastic and zealous overseers, instead of capable and competent managers. A series of natural disasters from 1959 to 1961 made things worse. The result was history’s greatest man-made disaster.

By 1960, it was obvious that the Great Leap Forward had been a bad idea, but by then it was too late. The diversion of labor from farms to ill-advised industries such as backyard furnaces, plus the disruptions of collectivization, combined to produce a catastrophe. Between 1959 to 1962, about 20 million Chinese starved to death, and some estimate that the casualties might have been as high as 50 million.
