Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage

Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage

Khalid Elhassan - July 11, 2020

Historic Ideas That Aged Like Complete Garbage
Some of the Quebec Catholic Church’s misdiagnosed orphans. Sputnik International

1. A Shocking Abuse of Goodwill

To exploit the Canadian federal government’s subsidy program, Duplessis and Quebec’s Catholic Church conspired to turn orphans into psychiatric patients. To implement their idea, they set up a system to falsely diagnose orphans as mentally deficient, in order to siphon more federal subsidy dollars into the Church’s coffers. As a first step, Duplessis signed an order that instantly turned Quebec’s orphanages into hospitals. That entitled their religious order administrators – and ultimately the Catholic Church of Quebec – to receive the higher subsidy rates for hospitals.

It took decades before the scandalous state of affairs was finally uncovered. By then, over 20,000 otherwise mentally sound Quebecoise orphans had been misdiagnosed with psychiatric ailments. Once they were misdiagnosed, the orphans were declared “mentally deficient”. It was not just a paperwork technicality. Once misdiagnosed as “mentally deficient”, the orphans’ schooling stopped, and they became inmates in poorly supervised mental institutions. There, the children were often subjected by nuns and lay monitors to physical, mental and sexual abuse.


Where Did We Find This Stuff? Some Sources and Further Reading

Airships Net – Myths About the Hindenburg Crash

Agriculture Victoria – Red Fox

Amusing Planet – The Shoe Fitting Machines That Blasted You With Radiation

Cracked – 5 Bonkers Supervillain Plans Real Governments Actually Tried

Cracked – 8 Ad Campaigns That Aged Like Garbage

Diamond, Jared – Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (2005)

Encyclopedia Britannica – Great Leap Forward

Guardian, The, December 1st, 2006 – Lawyers Warned Eden That Suez Invasion Was Illegal

Iter Newsline 196, October 26th, 2011 – “Proyecto Hueumul”: The Prank That Started it All

Maniates, Michael, et al The Environmental Politics of Sacrifice (2010)

Mob Museum – Prohibition Profits Transformed the Mob

Vice, April 26th, 2013 – The Soviet Scientist Who Dreamed of Melting the Arctic With a 55 Mile Dam

New York Times, May 21st, 1993 – Orphans of the 1950s, Telling of Abuse, Sue Quebec

Rabbit Free Australia – The Rabbit Problem

Smithsonian Magazine, September 4th, 2018 – When the US Government Tried to Make it Rain by Exploding Dynamite in the Sky

History Collection – Poorly Thought Out Plans that Went Bad Very Quickly

Snopes – Did a 1960s Oil Company Ad Boast How Much Glacier It Could Melt?

Tucker, Spencer T., Ed. The Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, & Military History (2000)

Wikipedia – Inland Customs Line

Wikipedia – Shoe-Fitting Fluoroscope

Wired – Vintage Shoe-Fitting X-Ray Machines Will Zap Your Feet

Yorkshire Post, October 30th, 2006 – How the Suez crisis sank the British empire
