Historic Love and Marriages From Hell

Historic Love and Marriages From Hell

Khalid Elhassan - September 22, 2020

Historic Love and Marriages From Hell
A 1950s Jerry Lee Lewis publicity photo. Pintrest

3. A Love That Wrecked a Career

Few marriages in the history of Showbiz have been as catastrophic as that of Jerry Lee Lewis (1935 – ) and Myra Gale Brown. Born and raised in Louisiana, Lewis was an early pioneer of rock and roll, who began recording in 1956. The following year, he became world-famous for his hit There’s a Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On. Soon thereafter came his signature song, the insta-classic Great Balls of Fire, one of Rolling Stone’s 100 Greatest Songs.

By then, Lewis had already gone through two failed marriages. He divorced his second wife to wed for a third time, after falling head over heels in love with Myra Gale Brown. One hiccup was that she was his cousin, although once removed. A bigger hiccup is that she was thirteen years old. She still believed in Santa Claus on her wedding night.
