Historical Figures with Unforeseen Downfall and Misfortune

Historical Figures with Unforeseen Downfall and Misfortune

Khalid Elhassan - April 9, 2020

Historical Figures with Unforeseen Downfall and Misfortune
Silver prices and the 1979 spike caused by the Hunt brothers’ speculation. Wikimedia

39. The Hunt Brothers’ Speculation Caused Silver Prices to Spike Through the Roof

The Hunt brothers went on a silver buying spree in the 1970s. When they ran out of money, they borrowed heavily to buy more silver. By 1979, they had accumulated about 100 million troy ounces – almost 7 million pounds – of the stuff. That was almost half the world’s transportable supply.

That speculation caused the price of silver to spike by over 800%, from $6 an ounce in early 1979, to over $50 by early 1980. The Hunt brothers made about $4 billion in paper profits, but in reality, they had simply created a huge asset bubble, that was bound to burst sooner or later.
