History’s Most Lunatic Events and People

History’s Most Lunatic Events and People

Khalid Elhassan - August 21, 2020

History’s Most Lunatic Events and People
Pope Stephen VI trying the corpse of Pope Formosus. Wikimedia

27. Trying a Corpse

Pope Formosus was dead, but that would not stop the new Spoletan Pope Stephen VI from giving him a piece of his mind. Stephen VI ordered the rotting corpse of Formosus exhumed, and had it hauled to the papal throne. There, in one of the papacy’s most lunatic episodes, the remains were subjected to an ecclesiastical trial before the Roman clergy, that came to be known as the “Cadaver Synod”. With Formosus’ reeking corpse propped on the throne, Stephen VI conducted the prosecution, while a teenage deacon, hiding behind the dead pope, conducted the defense.

Stephen’s list of charges against Formosus was long. They included perjury; serving as bishop while actually a layman; transmigration of sees in violation of canon law; and generally having been unworthy of the pontificate. The proceedings were just as ghoulishly farcical and macabre as one might imagine. The unhinged Stephen would scream the accusations against Formosus’ cadaver, then the deacon hiding behind the dead pope, imitating Formosus’ voice, would deny the charges.
