History’s Most Lunatic Events and People

History’s Most Lunatic Events and People

Khalid Elhassan - August 21, 2020

History’s Most Lunatic Events and People
Pope Stephen VI. All That Is Interesting

32. The Catholic Church’s Most Lunatic Trial

Throughout the history of the Catholic Church, plenty of popes has known how to hold a grudge. There is no dearth of pontiffs who plotted and schemed against their predecessors, or even straight-up murdered them. Nor does history have a shortage of popes who were quite vindictive towards the very memory of their predecessors.

However, no Holy Father in the nearly two millennia-long history of the pontificate ever came close to the lunatic levels of vindictiveness exhibited by Pope Stephen VI. He was the only pope so vindictive towards a predecessor that he had his corpse exhumed and put on trial, so he could finally tell him to his (dead) face just what he thought of him.
