16. The Antisemitic Jew
Unlike the other monsters on this list, Stella Kubler-Isaacksohn (1922 – 1994) did not personally kill her victims. Instead, she hunted them down, and delivered them to the Nazis, who killed them. Born Stella Goldschlag, she was raised as the only child of an assimilated middle-class Jewish family in Berlin, and was treated like a princess by overprotective parents.
Stella grew up financially comfortable, but not as rich as her schoolmates in a Jewish school. That gnawed at her, and left her harboring resentments against her richer schoolmates. During WWII, Stella became infamous for collaborating with the Gestapo to track down and denounce other Jews hiding from the Nazis. Many of those denounced by her were her former schoolmates and their families, whom she repaid in spades for their crime of being richer than Stella’s family.