Incredible Historical Moments Caught on Film

Incredible Historical Moments Caught on Film

Alli - November 14, 2021

Incredible Historical Moments Caught on Film
Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham at Yale Law. Wikimedia Commons.


Bill and Hillary Clinton Meet at Yale Law School

These two controversial figures undoubtedly made history when they met at university. William Jefferson Clinton (better known as Bill Clinton) attended Yale Law School and earned his Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree in 1973. In 1971, he met his future wife and fellow student, Hillary Rodham, in the Yale Law Library. When they started dating, they soon became inseparable. After only about a month, Clinton postponed his summer plans to be a coordinator for the George McGovern campaign for the 1972 United States presidential election in order to move in with his sweetheart in California. The couple continued living together in New Haven when they returned to law school.

After marrying in 1975, they settled in Arkansas, where Clinton immersed himself in politics and practiced law. He began his big political break by snagging governorship of the state in 1978 – becoming the youngest man ever to hold the position of governor in the country. In 1992, he ran for the presidency against Republican incumbent George H.W. Bush. He won, becoming, at age 46, the youngest president since John F. Kennedy. Hillary also ran for president in 2016, and easily became one of the most controversial presidential candidates in history – along with her political rival, Donald J. Trump. Through political scandals, multiple campaigns – both for Hillary and Bill – and media firestorms, the Clintons have cemented themselves solidly into American history.
