8 Bizarre Medieval Names and the People that Bore Them

8 Bizarre Medieval Names and the People that Bore Them

Stephanie Schoppert - March 18, 2017

8 Bizarre Medieval Names and the People that Bore Them
A plate from The Image of Irelande, published in 1581 by John Derrick. On the right you can see professional farters. Atlas Obscura

Roland the Farter

Roland the Farter might seem like a derogatory name or one that a man would come by due to issues with stench or flatulence but Roland came by the name in a different way. Roland the Farter got his name because of his profession. He was a farter by trade and was one that gained the favor of the King.

He lived in the twelfth century in England and was the flatulist to King Henry II. He was professionally a jester but he was known for the trick that make him funny enough to be called before the King. Every Christmas he would be called to perform what was known as “Unum saltum et siffletum et unum bumbulum” or one jump, one whistle, and one fart.

While that may not seem like a very honorable profession, it apparently paid pretty well. A 13th century English book of fees reportedly noted the payment that was given to Roland the Farter in exchange for his yearly performance. He was given a stately manor in Suffolk and 30 acres of land. That made him a man of considerable wealth and while he did have to fart for the king, he at least got to live handsomely the rest of the year.

Being skilled in flatulence was a profession for many during the middle ages in Ireland and even in the 1600s in Japan. Saint Augustine made references to performers who could make their farts sound like singing. Today few other historical professional flatulists are known and it was likely the discovery of Roland’s pay that his name is known today.
