America’s Commercial Airline Inventor Also Founded a Bizarre Cult

America’s Commercial Airline Inventor Also Founded a Bizarre Cult

Stephanie Schoppert - October 22, 2017

America’s Commercial Airline Inventor Also Founded a Bizarre Cult
Alfred Lawson.

Starting in the 1920s he started out promoting a range of different ideas. Some were simple health practices like vegetarianism, with others were far more out there. He claimed that he had found the secret to living until the ripe age of 200 and it had much to do with his health practices and his views on the world. He said that the day of his birth was one of the most momentous occasions in the history of man and that he was always destined for greatness.

He started out with his own idea of physics which he based upon a childhood memory. As a child, he observed that dust particles could be moved through the air by sucking and blowing. This somehow spurred an entire theory of physics that focused on “Suction” and “Pressure.” This “suction” and “pressure” then acted on other “substances.” Substances were defined by Lawsonic physics as anything including solids, liquids, gases, cold, heat, mentality, basically everything conceivable was affected by “suction” and “pressure.” In accordance with this, Alfred Lawson rejected the idea of energy. He believed that energy was the greatest misconception in the scientific community and that the whole idea of it should be done away with immediately.

Instead of energy, it was “suction” and “pressure” that caused “currents” which then enabled movement. He claimed that humans took in air and food through suction and ejected waste through pressure. He claimed that sex was also an act of pressure and suction in which women were suction and men were pressure. He also explained magnetism in terms of male and female particles, where a magnet with more male particles would push matter away and a magnet with more female particles would suck matter in.

His ideas only got stranger. He believed that this was also true on a universal scale. According to his writings, the Earth is actually just swimming in ether. Which is strange enough, but he also believed that the Earth was made of something called leesether which is less dense than ether. Since it is less dense it creates a suction hole at the north pole that sucks in gases and nutrients from space. These nutrients go into the Earth and are distributed throughout the Earth before being shot out of the Earth’s anus at the South Pole.

America’s Commercial Airline Inventor Also Founded a Bizarre Cult
One of Alfred Lawson’s Books.

Alfred Lawson’s theories also explained how the brain worked, something that was no easy task when there is no such thing as energy. He believed that within the mind there were two beings in perpetual conflict. The Menorgs which were the mental organizers of the brain and the Disorgs which were the disorganizers. The Disorgs worked to destroy the mental instruments that were built and operated by the Menorgs. He wrote that a Menorg would destroy itself for the benefit of the body but a Disorg would destroy the body for its own benefit. Despite the wealth of ideas that were so far off from the norm, Lawson was able to become quite prolific in his writings and even gathered a following.
