It Doesn’t Get Harder than the Lives of the Poorest People in History

It Doesn’t Get Harder than the Lives of the Poorest People in History

Shannon Quinn - November 15, 2022

It Doesn’t Get Harder than the Lives of the Poorest People in History
The poor are more likely to be murdered, because of financial inequality. Credit: The Times

Poor People Have Always Been More Likely to Be Murdered

There was a joint study conducted by Universities of Bristol, Sheffield and Edinburgh that concluded that even in modern times, poor people are more likely to be murdered. They studied data from 1981 to the year 2000, and concluded that people living in the bottom 10% of earners were 182% more likely to be murdered. Over half of these victims were cut with a knife or broken glass. Strangely, the rich were more likely to be murdered through poison or strangulation. Since guns are not widely available in Great Britain the way they are in the United States, gun violence was just 29% of the rich, who could actually afford to acquire a gun in the first place.
