Julia Tyler, a Very Controversial Woman in 1800s

Julia Tyler, a Very Controversial Woman in 1800s

Trista - January 23, 2020

Julia Tyler, a Very Controversial Woman in 1800s
The White House as it appeared during the 1800s. Thoughtco.

29. Julia Adopted Ladies In Waiting During Her Time As First Lady

Julia quickly moved into the White House after her marriage to John Tyler. While many people thought she would struggle to become the First Lady, she put these rumors to rest fast. It didn’t take long for Julia to start adopting First Lady traditions.

Not only did Julia do what people expected her to do, but she used her time in Europe as a way to adopt other duties as a First Lady. One of the traditions she started was Ladies in Waiting. These ladies wore matching dresses and stood around her during parties and other social events.
