Lenny Kravitz’s Hero Uncle and Other Lesser Known American Heroes

Lenny Kravitz’s Hero Uncle and Other Lesser Known American Heroes

Khalid Elhassan - August 18, 2020

Lenny Kravitz’s Hero Uncle and Other Lesser Known American Heroes
The only known portrait of Robert Townsend, codename Samuel Culper, Jr. Nassau County Historical Society

19. America’s Greatest Spy

Revolutionary War clandestine hero Robert Townsend was the key coordinator of what came to be known as the Culper Ring – named after Townsend’s code name, Samuel Culper, Jr. He had a greater and longer-lasting historical impact than any other American clandestine operative from the country’s birth to the present. Despite that, he gets nowhere near the recognition his contributions warrant. However, that was how Townsend wanted it. He never sought recognition during the war, insisting that his identity be kept secret even from George Washington. After the conflict, the few who knew his identity respected his wish to remain anonymous.

George Washington personally spelled out Townsend’s tasks. In a letter with detailed instructions, the Continental Army’s commander in chief directed Townsend to remain in New York City and: “… collect all the useful information he can – to do this he should mix as much as possible among the officers and refugees, visit the coffee houses, and all public places. He is to pay particular attention to the movements by land and water in and about the city especially“.
