Lesser Known But Intriguing Historic Criminals

Lesser Known But Intriguing Historic Criminals

Khalid Elhassan - October 17, 2019

Lesser Known But Intriguing Historic Criminals
Entrance to Sawney Bean’s cave. Scotland Off the Beaten Track

33. Sawney Bean’s Cave

Sawney Bean and his wife Agnes did not move into just any old cave. Their abode had tunnels penetrating the solid rock for over a mile, with numerous side passages that the young couple converted into living quarters as their family grew over the next 25 years.

It was also hard to get to and hazardous for the uninvited, as the entrance flooded for about two hundred yards twice a day at high tide. That came in handy, because Sawney decided that work was for suckers, and that it was easier to support his wife from the proceeds of robbery. So he took to ambushing travelers on the narrow roads connecting the area’s villages.
