Lesser Known Civil Rights Moments That Changed Everything

Lesser Known Civil Rights Moments That Changed Everything

Khalid Elhassan - February 23, 2024

Lesser Known Civil Rights Moments That Changed Everything
George Washington entering New York City – he got the city, but not the escaped slaves. Heritage Auctions

Many Black Loyalists Finally Found Freedom in Canada

Per the terms of the Treaty of Paris, Britain was bound to deliver escaped slaves to their former masters. However, British soldiers on the ground refused to betray their former comrades in arms. In addition to basic decency and honor, the contest over the fate of the escaped slaves offered the British an opportunity to demonstrate moral superiority over the victorious Patriots. As the British commander in South Carolina put it: “those who have voluntarily come in under the faith of our protection, cannot in justice be abandoned to the merciless resentment of their former masters“.

The British commander in chief concurred, and directed that: “such that have been promised their freedom, to have it“. That incensed George Washington, and it was touch and go for a while whether hostilities would erupt anew over the issue. The British in New York finally resolved the issue, to the slave owners’ ire, by issuing thousands of “Certificates of Freedom” to Black Loyalists. The documents entitled their bearers to decamp to British colonies such as Nova Scotia “or wherever else He/ She may think proper.” In South Carolina, the British also honored their commitment to Black Loyalists, and took them with them when they evacuated the state.
