23. Many of the techniques of kitchens past apply to the modern equipment in kitchens today
The 1940s housewife would often grind meat in her own kitchen for the preparation of sausages, meatloaves, or other preparations rather than purchase it already ground from a butcher. As the foodie trend developed in the late 20th century, home cooks began taking advantage of new meat grinders and attachments for other kitchen appliances to do the same thing. They then blended the meat with bread crumbs, to stretch it and to use as a binder. But it isn’t necessary to use previously prepared bread crumbs, as is so often done.
The 1940s cook would use bread crusts in the same grinder in which the meat had been ground, which had the function of cleaning the remaining meat from the grinder and producing the filler to be added to the meat, once blended with the desired flavorings. The method eliminated the wasteful throwing out of bread just past its peak freshness, made cleaning up easier, and helped stretch the household budget for food. It had the additional benefit of freeing cabinet space otherwise occupied by cartons of breadcrumbs. It was just one of many kitchen hacks which found a resurgence as cooking became once again a favorable home activity.