Little Known Facts About Diana, Princess of Wales

Little Known Facts About Diana, Princess of Wales

Shannon Quinn - January 7, 2021

Little Known Facts About Diana, Princess of Wales
Diana must have been nervous on her wedding day. Credit: The History Channel


13. Diana Accidentally Said Her Vows Wrong on Her Wedding Day

Something embarrassing that happened to Diana was that she said her vows incorrectly on her wedding day! She was supposed to state his full name; Charles Philip Arthur George. But she was so nervous, she accidentally called him Philip Charles Arthur George. Whoops. This is one of those mistakes that many brides must have made in the past, especially when there are so many middle names. However, having millions of eyes on you only compounds the pressure.

A story we don’t hear as often is that Prince Charles made a mistake, too. Instead of saying “my earthly goods”, he said “thy goods” to Diana. Obviously, their slip-ups didn’t change the fact that she did, in fact, get married and become the princess. Hopefully, she realized that her husband’s name was Charles, not Philip! Prince Charles was also so eager to get the ceremony over with, he forgot to kiss Diana when the pastor told him to “kiss the bride”.
