‘Magic’ Eyeliner, and Other Fascinating Ancient Beliefs and Facts

‘Magic’ Eyeliner, and Other Fascinating Ancient Beliefs and Facts

Khalid Elhassan - May 31, 2024

‘Magic’ Eyeliner, and Other Fascinating Ancient Beliefs and Facts
Ancient Egyptians swore by the healing properties of gazelle poop. Imgur

2. Dung as Medicine in the Ancient World

Most of us can agree that poop is disgusting. However, it is widely available, and at some point, some people figured that it might be useful as medicine. Whether for better or for worse, the exact details of how somebody first arrived at that brainstorm are lost in the mists of history. There probably was an interesting tale involved. However it came about, by the time civilization arose, poo was often prescribed to treat a variety of illnesses and assorted maladies.

Ancient Egyptians, for example, swore by the healing properties of gazelle, dog, donkey, and fly dung, and the ability of those creatures’ droppings to ward off evil spirits. They also used animal dung to heal their wounds. On the one hand, that might have caused tetanus and other infections on occasion, especially when poo was applied to open cuts. On the other hand, the microflora in some animal dung contains antibiotics, so the remedy might actually have worked every now and then. At least enough times to keep alive the belief in the medicinal benefits of poop.
