Medieval Peasants Worked Fewer Hours Than Modern Americans

Medieval Peasants Worked Fewer Hours Than Modern Americans

Khalid Elhassan - October 21, 2021

Medieval Peasants Worked Fewer Hours Than Modern Americans
Al Mutanabbi. Wikimedia

25. The Great Medieval Arab Poet

Strong resolves come in proportion to men of determination,
and noble deeds come in proportion to magnanimous men.
Little things are deemed great by little minds,
while grave calamities pale into insignificance in the eyes of the great.

-Al Mutanabbi – excerpt from panegyric to a patron.

Abu al Tayib Ahmad ibn Hussayn, better known as Mutanabbi (915 – 965) is the most influential and prominent Arab poet, and his verse is widespread and proverbial throughout the Arab world. Most of his work was odes to patrons, but he was an egomaniac who managed to turn a significant portion of his panegyrics into odes to himself, his talent, and his courage. However, he crafted it with such consummate skill and artistry that he is commonly deemed to have attained a pinnacle unequaled in the Arabic language before or since. As seen below, he led quite an adventurous life.
