Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About

Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About

Trista - August 26, 2019

Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About
Adam protecting a child from Lilith. Wikimedia.

15. Lilith Shows Up In English Literature During the 19th Century

During the 1800s, Lilith started showing up in English literature through sonnets, stories, and paintings. One of the first recounts occurs in the Notes on the Royal Academy Exhibition, which is a pamphlet review. This review published a sonnet called “Lilith” by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

In this sonnet, Rossetti describes Lilith as being Adam’s first wife, whom he loved dearly. However, Lilith didn’t have the same desires as Adam. She is compared to a snake with cravings for other men and freedom.
