Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About

Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About

Trista - August 26, 2019

Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About
Amulet protecting Jewish mother and children from Lilith. Wikimedia.

16. Jewish Mothers Used Protect Their Children From Lilith

While many cultures and religions have only learned about Lilith within the last few centuries, many others have known about the story of Lilith since the middle ages. Most people did not feel that Lilith is a positive example for their children, especially their daughters.

Right after the Middle Ages, if you were to visit the home of a Jewish mother, you would have seen amulets with the inscription “Lilith – abei,” which means, “Lilith begone.” By doing this, mothers were able to protect their children from Lilith.
