Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About

Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About

Trista - August 26, 2019

Meet Lilith, Adam’s First Wife that Nobody Wants to Talk About
Painting of Adam and Even in the Garden. History today.

19. Some Stories Say Lilith Was Made From Earth By Adam

While most people talk about Lilith being created by God at the same time he created Adam, other people don’t believe this. Some people say that the book of Genesis discusses how Lilith was created from the Earth. It further states it wasn’t God that created her but because of Adam’s loneliness.

Another reason for Lilith’s creation is that Adam needed to find a way to create new life. Unlike Eve, Lilith has many unknown pieces to her story. No matter how much research and analysis scholars do, they have yet to give Lilith one account.
